
When Stay Bonuses Should be Used

Senior executives need to understand when the use of stay bonuses is appropriate. It is not necessary to offer every employee a stay bonus, because there are many employees who the company can afford to lose without suffering any hardship. The only employees who should be offered a stay bonus are those that are necessary […]

Contract Disputes and Social Media

Social media has become a part of many American’s daily lives. Whether it is posting pictures, catching up with friends, or simply fighting boredom, we all tend to be attached to our devices. There are numerous platforms that allow you to vent your frustrations about what is going on in your life and in our […]

Types of Contract Breaches

All business owners are aware that contracts are an important part of being successful. Contracts are necessary to procure and render services or goods from vendors. A company’s written agreements set forth the terms and expectations for the parties involved, allowing you to know what can be expected in your business dealings. Additionally, if a […]

Company Bylaw Violations & Business Litigation

Large corporations are complex entities and a board of directors is typically used to ensure the company runs smoothly. If you are the CEO of a corporation, you understand the enormous number of responsibilities involved in running a company, keeping shareholders happy and ensuring company bylaws are followed. What happens if somebody violates the corporate […]

Payback of Retention Bonuses

If you are offered a signing bonus, you should be aware that it likely comes with the requirement that you pay it back if you leave the company within a specified amount of time. When you are first starting a job, agreeing to stay for two or so years probably doesn’t seem like a big […]

Tips for Retaining Key Employees

The retention of key employees is one of the most critical steps in mergers and acquisitions. As soon as an employee hears about the transition, he/she begins to worry about what will happen with his/her job. Will the employee have a position with the new entity? What will the new policies and procedures be? If […]

How to Retain Key Employees when Selling a Business

If you are trying to sell your company because it is struggling to be successful, but it also has significant value, whether to offer retention contracts to key employees can be a difficult decision. Most buyers want your top performers to come as part of the deal and, once the deal has closed, the new […]

The Important Role Retention Bonuses Play in Merger & Acquisitions

When a company is considering a merger or acquisition, business continuity is a primary concern. As a result, retaining top performers and key employees is essential. The use of retention contracts and bonuses are becoming the primary way companies are guaranteeing this type of protection during the transition. The amount of a stay bonus can […]

Assessing & Negotiating Your Retention Bonus Offer

Changing jobs every few years is not frowned upon like it used to be. As a result, businesses are finding ways to incentivize their key employees to stay with their company. One of the most effective methods is to offer top performers a retention bonus. A retention is simply a payment made to the employee […]

Renegotiating Your CEO Package

If you have made it as a C-level executive, you have proven yourself as having significant value to your company. As such, it might be time for you to renegotiate your executive employment contract. When you were first hired, the company knew you looked good on paper. Now that time has passed and the company […]