Coronavirus & Business-Related Issues

The Covid-19 virus has created issues for every industry and all size businesses across our country. It is important for companies to understand how the pandemic has, and will continue to, impact their business. Whether it is delays in production or a reduction in workforce, having an attorney provide you with the necessary legal advice can be critical to the success of your business. A few examples of ways our attorneys can help you include:

Employment Issues

Employers need to be aware of government declarations and mandates that apply to their business and/or employees. Revisions to employee handbooks regarding the Coronavirus are necessary. We can also help you with daily operational requirements for employee safety and necessary accommodations. There are a wide variety of employment issues connected to the virus and we can help you get the answers you need.

Contractual Issues

If your business has several contractual relations with different parties, it is wise to have an attorney review them for potential problems the virus could cause on performance (of you or the other party). We can also work to mitigate future risks.

Financial Issues

The Covid-19 pandemic has opened opportunities for businesses to obtain long-term, low interest rate loans. With financing available at all-time low interest rates, your business may want to consider whether it would be beneficial to leverage the low interest rates to grow your business or to payoff your current loans with higher interest rates.


The pandemic has resulted in business closures which can impact your supply chain. An experienced business attorney can help you resolve disputes with vendors, shippers, suppliers, customers or other parties. If you have pending litigation, your attorney can guide you through the disruptions in your case caused by the Coronavirus.

With over 36 years of experience providing sophisticated legal advice on business matters and related litigation, Mailly Law is here to help. With our structure, you work with the same attorney who gets to know your culture and anticipates your legal needs. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.